Meet the newest addition to the ATP Team.
We have some big news here at Avenue Talent Partners to kick off 2018…. please join me in welcoming Taryn Lanaghan to the ATP family!
Taryn has worked in sales across startups, advertising, and tech for over 20 years, and is bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the ATP table. She’ll be helping us with recruiting the best and brightest salespeople… don’t be surprised when she comes knocking on your door to talk about what a better opportunity could look like 😉
What better way to get to know her than through a fun Q&A exercise? Enjoy and welcome to the team Taryn, we couldn’t be happier to have you!
You have had such a terrific career in sales and startups, why make the move to ATP and get into recruiting?
I appreciate all the experiences that have brought me to this point in my career and life. Working in the talent acquisition industry for the past twelve years has been an interesting journey, as the dynamics have changed so much in that time in terms of what it means to look for a job and (on the flipside) to hire great talent.
Although technology is working to automate much of the process, in my experience, it leaves so much room for improvement when it comes to the human connection. I don’t feel that sales and recruiting are that different for me because my approach is similar… listening and understanding to offer the best solutions.
No one delivers on this better than Avenue Talent Partners. I’ve been cheering on ATP from the sidelines since Amy started it because I believe in Amy’s approach to sales and to recruiting… thankfully the stars finally aligned and I get to be part of it!
When did you get bitten by the sales bug and how did you get into startups?
One of the first jobs I applied to after college was a photo research position focused on editorial news content. They turned me down for that job, but asked me to interview for the commercial team. Thank goodness they had the foresight to recognize talent for different opportunities within the organization!
At the time it was a small(ish) company that was quickly gobbled up and became a powerhouse… and for me it lost some of the luster and excitement that small companies provide so well.
That’s what I love most about startups — the feeling that you are part of the foundation, and bringing sales experience to the table with product and marketing to help grow the business.
What gets you up in the morning?
Technically, my son wakes up the house at 6am! But after I’ve had my first cup of coffee… a natural curiosity about what is going on in the world sets in and I’m out the door.
What are you pumped to do the most at ATP?
Magic happens when incredible sales teams and dynamic leadership comes together. If I can be part of the matchmaking process… I’m down with that all day long!
What’s your spirit animal?
Haha! I have no idea, as I use this term loosely… I took a quiz once and I got “panda bear.” Not sure how I feel about that…
If you could invite anyone to your dinner party, who would your guest of honor be and why?
Oh the list! I’m a voracious reader and love documentaries. I would love to have some serious one-on-one discussions with so many people, but if I’m throwing a party it better be a good time… can I get the cast of Parks and Rec (Aziz, Nick, Rhetta, Rob..all of them)?!
What’s your sales secret weapon of choice that never failed you?
(Amy here – this is why I love this woman!)
What’s your favorite startup that changed your life?
If I’m being really honest and even though Facebook is no longer a startup… I reconnected with and married my husband, Thanks to Mark Z.!
What’s your dream vacation?
Anywhere I can sleep past 6am.
What’s a surprising fact about you that people may not know?
That I binge watch Jane the Virgin.
Who is your personal hero?
My Mom.
Thanks for reading folks! Exciting things in store for 2018 on our side. Until next time!
-Amy Volas