Sales Emails Tanking? Try This ‘Secret Sauce’ to Turn Things Around …
You know the routine—you or your sales staff sends out a new string of emails, hoping to generate leads and land a new client, only to discover that next to nobody has even opened the very emails you spent hours writing. Sounds far too familiar, doesn’t it?
If you’re getting frustrated, there is some good news, here—you’re by no means alone. In fact, a recent survey conducted by Content Marketing Institute found that upwards of 83 percent of B2B marketers are regularly using email marketing to maintain contact with their respective target audiences. So, who cares—what’s the big deal?
Here’s the shocker—of that group, only 58 percent of businesses have found their current email marketing methods to be at least somewhat beneficial. Seeing as how email marketing has been around for years, I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside multiple sales departments that have managed to make the marketing medium a treasure trove of new leads.
Today, I’m going to share their secrets with you. Call it ketchup, mustard or mayo—whatever the case, the following email marketing tips and tidbits are a type of secret sauce for you and your sales team. Pour them over your emails, then sit back and watch as conversion takes place.
Show Some Personality
People love it when businesses show some personality. Do the obvious to be personal, including a recipient’s name at the beginning of an email, but beyond that, go out of your way to write as you’d normally speak. Undoubtedly, your business has its own unique voice. Once found, use it frequently while writing to your list.
Subject Lines Matter
Believe it or not, way back when, the country’e largest newspapers always had someone on their editorial staff whose sole responsibility was to craft attractive headlines. No, don’t go out and hire someone, but give your subject lines the time and attention they deserve. In a three- to five-second scan of your email’s subject line, an enticing, clever message must be transmitted.
Short, Sweet and to the Point
What’s the one thing worse than a telemarketer, you ask? A rambling telemarketer. Yes, there are many differences between email marketing and telemarketing, but the principle of the matter remains the same—people don’t have enough time to make reading your emails a regular priority. As such, get to the point. The more powerful and succinct, the better.
Timing Is Everything
Think about it—how eager are you to be on your iPhone answering emails on a Saturday morning? You hate it, and so too does everyone else. Depending on your area of specialization, the best times to send emails are going to differ. That said, generally speaking, send at least one email a month, and do it only when you have something truly exciting and beneficial to offer.
Optimize Landing Pages and Websites
You could spend thousands of dollars on an an email marketing campaign that works beautifully, but if traffic is ultimately driven to a landing page or website that’s unable to hold its own, what’s really been accomplished? Nothing. The key to success is uniformity—messaging, design, tone, etc. The only difference? Provide more detail, but still in a friendly, engaging way.
Whether a struggling startup or a Fortune 500 company, email marketing is a great way to make sales less about you, and more about finding a solution to your readers’ most pressing problems. Are your present emails tanking? No worries—when it comes time to fire off the next email sequence, add a dash of the above secret sauce to make things right.
You’ve been here before and you know how this works—in the comments section below, let me know how your business’ email sales are going. Together, there’s no doubt in my mind we can either help others see similar success or find a solution to your sales woes. As always, thanks for stopping by!
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- Featured Image, Unsplash